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Let's embrace the era of electrochemical factories!
Ceramic Cells utilizes leading high-temperature solid oxide electrolyzer (SOE) technology to create an innovative range of stack products. Operating at 650~800℃, our SOE technology significantly enhances electrochemical performance and improves electrolysis efficiency. By using non-precious metal catalysts, we reduce material costs, and our all-ceramic structure prevents corrosion.  Our stack products are versatile and can be used for: · Steam electrolysis to produce hydrogen; · Carbon dioxide electrolysis to produce carbon monoxide; · Co-electrolysis of steam and carbon dioxide to produce synthesis gas; · Hydrogen purification.  These products are ideal for industrial processes, hydrogenation stations, short-distance logistics, biogas production, and electrochemical factories.  As the world moves towards "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality," the demand for hydrogen energy applications is accelerating, creating broader market opportunities for our solutions.
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In 2023, China's hydrogen production is expected to reach 34 million tons, constituting one-third of global output. Guided by China's "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" strategy, the hydrogen energy sector is rapidly advancing, with future demand projected to surge.  Currently, natural gas reforming is a key method for hydrogen production in China. As policies aligned with "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" increasingly limit coal usage, the market share of natural gas reforming is anticipated to grow, highlighting significant market potential.